Shinichi Kitaoka, PhD, special advisor of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) on October 6, 2022, delivered a lecture entitled “Recent developments of foreign and security policy of Japan in
This year’s edition of the Global Online Marketing Academic Challenge (GOMAC) has been won by a team of female students from the SGH Warsaw School of Economics and Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University
This month, on the occasion of Erasmus+ days, the university alliance CIVICA celebrates its three-year anniversary with the launch of the new phase and the official onboarding of its two new members
SGH Warsaw School of Economics Chancellor Marcin Dąbrowski, PhD, has been appointed to the Advisory Group of the Digital Transformation Steering Committee of the European University Association (EUA).
The Plenary Assembly of the Association of Polish Economists (TEP), has selected a new president of the board of TEP, Jarosław Janecki, PhD, who served as vice president in the previous term.
Professor Ronald W. Jones, honorary doctor of economics at the Warsaw School of Economics, passed away on September 27, 2022. Professor Emeritus at the University of Rochester, graduate of Swarthmore
On 28 September 2022, Rector of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics Piotr Wachowiak met with Tetyana Nahorniak, Professor, Senior Vice-Rector of Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University (DonNU). The
Experts from the SGH Warsaw School of Economics presented on September 6th at the Economic Forum in Karpacz the fifth edition of the SGH and Economic Forum Report on the socio-economic situation in
On September 12 “The Financial Times” published the “Masters In Management” ranking. Our Masters in Management programme was once again named among the world’s top 100 programmes and the only one from
One of the strategic projects within the framework of the digitization of organizational processes entails the implementation of a CRM system that will comprehensively support building and maintaining