Dear Readers, we would like to submit to your attention with the first issue of the English edition of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics’ journal – SGH Magazine.
We are delighted to be able to present to a wider audience a myriad of issues that are currently taking place at our university. On the pages of SGH Magazine you will find reports, the results of the latest research conducted at SGH, information on new units, such as the recently established AI Lab Intercollegiate Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Digital Platforms. In the present issue, we have included articles on various achievements of SGH, our students and PhD students, the career paths of our graduates, international collaboration and cooperation with business, the expansion of the university campus and, last but not least, the history we hold dear and the people involved in its making. I would also like to recommend interviews with experts and noteworthy people, such as the co-founder of the Warsaw Stock Exchange and SGH honorary doctorate holder Wiesław Rozłucki, world championships medallist and Olympic vice-champion in cycling, SGH Economic Award winner Czesław Lang, or Tytus Brzozowski – Warsaw citizen of the year 2023, the author of the mural on Professor Stanisław Wojciechowski “President from SGH”.
Our intention is for SGH Magazine to provide you with in-depth coverage of the most important ongoing economic issues and processes in Poland and abroad, which are manifested in the numerous conferences, congresses and debates that are (co-) organised by SGH. Thanks to economic analyses of the changes taking place in the national economy or trends within the European Union and around the world, prepared by our experts and researchers, we wish to bring you closer to their complex subject matter and help you better understand reality, including the Polish one.
2024 is a very special year – it marks the 20th anniversary of Poland’s accession to the European Union. Over the years, Poland has made a civilizational leap, and has become both economically and politically more secure, as described extensively by our distinguished and recognized experts, dr hab. Adam A. Ambroziak, prof. SGH, prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Kawecka-Wyrzykowska, prof. dr hab. Artur Nowak-Far and dr hab. Małgorzata Molęda-Zdziech, prof. SGH.
Taking into consideration the very specific geopolitical location of Poland, it is difficult to imagine our country now being outside the EU and NATO, especially in the face of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine. SGH has been involved in supporting Ukrainians fleeing the war, including students and academics. Our university has also been involved in the CIVICA for Ukraine projects and the establishment of the SGH Centre for Ukrainian Studies, headed by the eminent scientist prof. dr hab. Tomasz Szapiro.
I wish you an enjoyable read.
Karolina Cygonek, Editor-in-Chief with her team