Dear Readers,
Please visit our website gazeta.sgh.waw.pl/en for more inspiring and compelling articles in English, published under the collective name of SGH Magazine, our most recent subrand of Gazeta SGH. Varied contents, captivating stories, lively language, quite a lot of humour and, above all, some less known, but nonetheless fascinating aspects of SGH rich history. We are proud to announce the advent of our brand new SGH Magazine and hope it will make a great read for both lovers of our Alma Mater and of the English language as well.
Full versions of these articles are available on the website SGH Magazine

A wonderful life – Teresa Kodelska-Łaszek
Long-time researcher with the Warsaw School of Economics, Professor Kodelska-Łaszek spent her childhood years in Zakopane, where her father, Aleksander Kodelski, constructed Poland’s first (and the world’s sixtieth’s) cableway – to Kasprowy Wierch, where little Teresa would ski to her heart’s delight at the age of five. Later she was a courier in the Warsaw Uprising, Polish champion in various skiing events and Olympian in Oslo in 1952. She devoted her professional life to economics and, more specifically, to construction investment economics. She was a zealous lecturer as well who used to say: ‘Let the young people study, learn languages, do business, let them create a strong Poland.’

Towards Computationally Oriented SGH Warsaw School of Economics
Both teaching and research activities at SGH Warsaw School of Economics are traditionally concentrated around topics of economics, management, or public policy. All these areas are immensely affected by the fact that currently the growth of the digital sphere is the fastest growing area of the economy. SGH Warsaw School of Economics, with its ambition of remaining in the vanguard in both education and research, has identified and embraced the digital transformation trend. The article presents various examples of outstanding contribution of our researchers in the practical application of analytical methods and projects that address core challenges stemming from the computational revolution. It all significantly improves the recognition of our Alma Mater on international level both in academia and industry and equip our students with skills that will make them ready to undertake the most challenging projects of the modern world.

Studenci WSH, or, the HSC foxtrot
Warsaw, the capital city of a country that regained its independence in 1918, really knew how to party 100 years ago. If you’re interested in the cultural landscape of the Second Polish Republic and want to read about dance parties of its highly diversified society, then this text is a must-read. You will learn about the hit song of that time “Studenci WSH” (WSH denoting one of the prewar names of today’s SGH, called back then Wyższa Szkoła Handlowa) composed in 1933, the song which testified to an abundance of pretty female students of our Alma Mater: (“wie o tym każdy, a nawet ja/Że nie ma dziewcząt, jak w WSH./ Tam nastrój boski/Rozprasza troski/”). Don’t you feel like dancing and singing a bit already? You will also find out that the tradition of dancing continued after WWII – students had a great time and so did the academics. One of them was Professor Jerzy Loth, a geographer and traveller with a great network od contacts, who, when there was a dance party, could go all night dancing.

Our scholar – the President Stanisław Wojciechowski
“A revolver made a rather early appearance in the life of Stanisław Wojciechowski”, a student of the Russian Imperial University in Warsaw in the last decade of the XXth.century, later President of the Second Republic of Poland and lecturer at prewar SGH, specialising in the history of the co-operative movement. This is another fascinating story dating back to the gripping interwar period of the early XX th.century and of SGH of that time. The text is a ready-made movie script: it features the captivating life of Stanisław Wojciechowski, who had to flee to London, via Switzerland and France, dreamt of overturning the tsarist regime, took money from the Japanese and bought weapons. Many year later he played a dramatic role in the ‘May Coup of 1926’. As a minister of internal affairs in 1919-1920, he advocated the implementation of a night curfew from 10.00 pm. His long-term attempt was to stop people from going to bars and making them go to work on Monday well-slept and well-slept, with no “Monday syndrome”.

The text features a rich history of AZS SGH: the University Sports Association functioning at our university, being its largest and oldest organisation (its 100th anniversary was celebrated on December 7, 2006). The universal values embraced by AZS – such as love of sport or promotion of healthy and active lifestyle – attract many students and sports fans. At AZS SGH you can enhance your skills in almost 30 different sports sections. It surely is a unique organisation: instead of projects, they have competitions, instead of meetings – training sessions. What better college memories can you have than the medals won with the AZS SGH logo on your chest? See you at the workout!

SGH is knowledge, learning and contacts – a passport to success
Read and be inspired by an interview with truly a man of success, Krzysztof Błędowski, graduate of SGH’s master studies in Foreign Trade, who can boast of an impressive work record. This is the man who really knew how to forge life challenges into a success. He went to the US for an internship in 1980 (it was an offer from American AIESEC) and has remained there till the present day, working in the meantime in the US, Germany and Poland. He recalls having to deal with small challenges, which was, for him, a perfect opportunity to develop quick decision- making skills. One of his advice to young students today is to squeeze the last drop out of all the internships they can use and to be aware that college friendships and contacts are a lifetime value.

We are a part of big SDG Goals supporters’ family
For a modern university the realization of a social mission is an obligation. It is an obligation resulting not only directly from the challenges of today's world, but also stemming from the timeless ethos of a university as one that is able and capable of shaping the minds of young people. And what is most important – it is not only about beautiful declarations and membership in the highly recognised international organisations and associations. The most important are real actions. For the good of other people and natural environment in which we live. The environment – which is a gift for the whole mankind and for every single human being as well.

Three Seas Leadership School
At SGH Warsaw School of Economics (SGH) there is a strong belief in the value lying in international cooperation, which is why we attach great importance to activities promoting closer international relations, not only between universities, but between countries as well. SGH intensively develops international cooperation on the basis of multilateral agreements and traditional bilateral contacts with foreign universities and educational institutions. The main partners of SGH are universities from the European Union countries, USA and Canada. One of the most recent and geographically closer enterprises is The 3 Seas Initiative, which is a geopolitical project of 12 Central European countries: Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovenia and Croatia. The name is derived from the location of all countries in the vicinity of the Baltic, Black and Adriatic Seas. The main objective of the initiative is to develop broad cooperation in the field of energy, logistics and transport as well as information technology and telecommunications. The 3 Seas Initiative, fulfilling the supporting role in relation to the actions of the European Union, also promotes projects in the field of science and culture, thus contributing to the regional development of the societies of the member states.