SGH Warsaw School of Economics and the Capital City of Warsaw concluded a cooperation agreement for Warsaw on May 15, 2019, in the field of, among others, sustainable city development as well as spatial and economic policy. The agreement signed by the rector Marek Rocki, prof. SGH and the president of Warsaw, Rafał Trzaskowski, is a confirmation of previous initiatives, opens the path to joint research projects and facilitates a better use of the university's research potential for the needs of the capital. The cooperation concerns primarily: sustainable development of the city, spatial and economic policy, modern management methods and communication between various groups of stakeholders, it also announces the establishment of a joint working group that will work out recommendations for spatial changes in the area in front of SGH main building and the incorporation of the campus into the public space of the city.
During the ceremony at SGH Warsaw School of Economics, the president of the capital city of Warsaw inaugurated an innovative project on a national scale, supporting students and doctoral students interested in doing research about Warsaw - scholarships of the Capital City of Warsaw for doctoral students. Doctoral scholarships will enable the inclusion of young scientists in the dialogue on city development and will provide support for the flow of knowledge between the office and the science sector.
- The agreement will facilitate a better use of the Warsaw science sector potential to improve the quality of life in the city and involve scientists in the dialogue on city development. We are inaugurating an innovative project today: scholarships for PhD students interested in doing research about Warsaw. This is a chance for young scientists’ development. Both the agreement and scholarships for doctoral students will enable effective implementation of the 2030 Strategy goals, i.e. our city as an open and friendly metropolis with active residents - said the president of the capital Rafał Trzaskowski.
- SGH Warsaw School of Economics is one of Warsaw's assets: it brings candidates to the capital to economic studies, including candidates from abroad. It shapes the environment of entrepreneurial innovators. In addition, our university is an argument for the city in attracting large employers who need qualified staff. We have been cooperating for years: specialists from SGH willingly create expertise or take part in major projects, for example, in the field of transport, housing policy, regeneration. The campus development is possible only in cooperation with the city and Mokotów district. The campus located on the border of Śródmieście and Mokotów, well-connected, open and modern, will extremely enrich this part of the city, performing various educational and social functions - said prof. Marek Rocki, the rector of SGH.
Material support for doctoral students dealing with issues relevant to the city will help urban policy makers obtain premises for taking actions and making decisions based on the scientific research results. Scholarships will be awarded for a maximum of 12 months (in the total amount of up to PLN 30,000 per project, i.e. PLN 2,500 per month) for the implementation of a research project in one of the areas indicated by the office.
I am pleased with the agreement being signed because it will make it easier to pursue the goal of developing infrastructure, education and entrepreneurship in the capital for the benefit of all residents.
Prof. Marek Rocki, the Rector of SGH Warsaw School of Economics