The SGH Warsaw School of Economics rector’s representatives. What tasks and objectives do they face in the nearest future?

HM Rector of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Professor Piotr Wachowiak appointed representatives, who he has entrusted with duties related to the key areas of activity of the University in order to ensure optimal level of management and performance of designated tasks.
In order to ensure an optimal level of management and performance of set tasks, the Rector of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics appointed representatives responsible for strategic areas of the University’s functioning. This group includes prominent representatives of science, often joining their tasks with business practice. In order to familiarise our community with the scope of tasks performed by representatives, the editors of Gazeta SGH asked them about their most important challenges and recently undertaken measures.
First of all, the quality of education
- Jakub Brdulak, Ph.D., SGH Professor – Rector’s Representative for Teaching Quality Assurance System at SGH
The Teaching Quality Assurance System (USZJK) at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics is supervised by the team managed by the SGH Warsaw School of Economics Professor Jakub Brdulak, PhD. Within their tasks the team members indicate the most important challenges of USZJK. The first one being the manner of developing a curriculum offer which, given the students’ freedom in selecting classes, is a rarity in Poland and abroad. The second constitutes the lack of space where the collective information on the elements thereof would be gathered and analysed. The third challenge of USZJK comprises tools and strategies of supporting academic teachers in their development. In order to better understand this system, the representative’s team invites the SGH Warsaw School of Economics community to further discuss rules for education quality assurance. To this end it plans to, among others, organise a series of seminars and open meetings.
Open access as one of the priorities
- Anna Janowska, Ph.D. – Rector’s Representative for Open Access
Duties of the Rector’s representative for open access are performed by Anna Janowska, PhD. Her most important tasks include undertaking measures related to the Open Science that is open access to scientific publications and open data in compliance with the Open Access Policy adopted at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics in 2017 (Resolution no. 190 of the Senate of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics). These measures concentrate on promoting open access among the academic community of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics, among others, thanks to the column in Gazeta SGH devoted to open science.
Furthermore, the representative gives to the SGH Warsaw School of Economics’ management advice in the scope of the implementation and application of the best practices compliant with the Open Access Policy, supervises implementation of this policy and prepares an annual report on this topic. Furthermore, he or she coordinates works related to the maintenance and development of the open access infrastructure and shaping substantive assumptions. Currently, she also coordinates work aimed at the introduction of University-wide procedures related to the research data management with a particular consideration of open data.
Military education at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics
- Dariusz Grabowski, M.A. – Rector's Representative for Military Education of Students
Students’ military education is conducted within the programme Academic Legion aimed at young people who are ready to undergo military training and then, be assigned to Ready Reserve. The main objective of the students’ training consists in preparing them in the basic theoretical and practical scope to perform tasks assigned to infantry in the corps of privates and sergeants (equivalent). It allows acquiring knowledge and skills necessary to effectively solve organisational issues regarding planning, organising and conducting training, as well as commanding an infantry squad during performance of tactical operations.
Cooperation with the State of Nevada (the USA)
- Paweł Pietrasieński, Ph.D., SGH Professor – Rector’s Representative for Cooperation with the State of Nevada (the USA)
As of 2017 the function of the Rector’s representative for cooperation with the State of Nevada (the USA) is performed by the SGH Warsaw School of Economics Professor Paweł Pietrasieński, PhD. His tasks include coordinating the SGH Warsaw School of Economics’ cooperation with education and research institutions, and government institutions of the State of Nevada, including initiation of contacts of the University authorities with American counterparts, preparation of joint initiatives with a particular consideration of student and scientific exchange and implementation of research projects, exchange of good practices in the area of teaching entrepreneurship and acceleration of academic start-ups.
In October 2017 the SGH Warsaw School of Economics and the leading University of Nevada in Reno (UNR) signed an agreement on multi-dimensional cooperation among others in the scope of joint scientific research, promotion of entrepreneurship and exchange of good practices related to the development of student start-ups. The signing of the agreement was accompanied by the organisation of the first Day of Nevada at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics, during which the Governor of the State Brian Sandoval, currently the President of the UNR, was a guest of honour. Recently, Rector Piotr Wachowiak held a virtual meeting with President Sandoval, during which main directions of cooperation and planned curricula based on grants for the nearest few years were discussed.
The strategic character of the cooperation between the SGH Warsaw School of Economics and the UNR is reflected in the grant “New Economy Lab” awarded by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA). As a result thereof, two Scientific Symposia have already been held devoted to the cooperation in the areas of business development, public policy and entrepreneurship development. Several dozens of researchers from Warsaw and Nevada have already participated in conference, research and exchange programmes. The cooperation has also covered academic start-ups on both sides of the Atlantic – Bootcamp and Demo Day were organised. Moreover, a joint scientific monograph was published and another collective publication is being prepared, as well as a special edition of the leading Polish scientific monthly magazine entirely devoted to the cooperation between the SGH Warsaw School of Economics and the State of Nevada.
Measures undertaken by the representatives led to organising the Poland Business and Education Week in Nevada twice (in 2017 and 2019, respectively). It is worth underlining that during the last edition of this event the Polish delegation was led by the Rector of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Professor Marek Rocki, and the whole Week was solemnly opened by the President of the Republic of Poland.
Creative measures undertaken by the SGH Warsaw School of Economics and the UNR led to the activation of a joint scientific blog devoted to international cooperation. We invite all interested researchers, including doctoral students and students, to post on the blog – adds Professor Paweł Pietrasiński.
Furthermore, a webinar devoted to the scientific cooperation between the SGH Warsaw School of Economics and the State of Nevada will be held in April 2021, with a particular consideration of the period of pandemic and the third joint Scientific Symposium is already planned in October 2021, which we hope that will be finally organised in a “traditional”, that is, trip formula to Reno, Nevada.
Technology transfer as one of the important challenges
- Mariusz Strojny, Ph.D. – Rector’s Representative for Technology Transfer
Mariusz Strojny, PhD as the Rector’s representative for technology transfer is engaged in all initiatives and projects regarding the technology transfer implemented by the Centre for Entrepreneurship and Technology Transfer of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics. He participated in, among others, developing an offer of commercial services provided by the SGH Warsaw School of Economics and the website of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics Counselling. He is also engaged in the process of distributing requests for proposals to experts of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics, negotiations with potential clients and drawing up proposals and then, upon approval thereof by clients, he coordinates the implementation of these projects.
Within his tasks Mariusz Strojny, PhD supports many initiatives implemented at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics. Among others, since the beginning he has been engaged in the activity of the SGH Business Club by participating in meetings and lectures regarding manners of intellectual property protection. Moreover, he plays an important role in initiatives such as Business Sails (Competition Jury member) and Young Researcher.
Within undertaken activities Mariusz Strojny, PhD is also a scientific editor and a member of the editorial committee of all three editions of the SGH Report and Economic Forum. The representative was one of the initiators of establishing cooperation with PAIH at EXPO and is engaged in work on the SGH Report, which will be presented on 6 December 2021 during Polish-Emirati Business Forum in Dubai.
Protection of classified information
- Dariusz Grabowski, M.A. – Rector’s Representative for Protection of Classified Information
In compliance with Article 15 of the Act of 5 August 2010 on the Protection of Classified Information, tasks of the Rector’s representative for protection of classified information include: assurance of the protection of classified information, control of provisions regarding protection thereof, including application of physical security measures and ICT system protection where classified information is processed. He is responsible for developing and updating the classified information protection plan at the University requiring the Rector’s approval, including in case of the introduction of a state of emergency and supervising implementation thereof.
He conducts standard verification proceedings and control verification proceedings in order to issue a security certification for employees on positions related to the access to the classified information with the “confidential” clause. He also conducts trainings in the scope of classified information protection.
The security representative is obliged to keep an up-to-date list of persons employed at the University or performing commissioned activities that are authorised to access classified information and persons who have been refused issuance of a security certificate or such a certificate has been withdrawn. He transfers to the register of the Internal Security Agency data of persons authorised to access classified information, as well as persons who have been denied issuance of a security certification or with regard to whom it has been decided to withdraw the security certificate.
The above tasks are performed by the Rector’s representative for protection of classified information with the assistance of a separate organisational unit, i.e. the Independent Section for Operational Planning and Protection of Classified Information appointed under the Rector’s Order no. 24 of 31 March 2011.
Historic campus of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics
- Marek Bryx, Ph.D., SGH Professor – Rector’s Representative for the Historic SGH Campus
Professor Marek Bryx was appointed to the Rector’s representative for the historic campus. His most important role is to popularise knowledge on the campus, its architectonic uniqueness, history and modernity of adopted solutions. These activities are aimed at making students and employees realise the fact that having an original, historic campus improves the University’s rank similarly as scientific and teaching achievements do. It is true not only due to the urban development, original and functional architecture and a lot of intriguing and refined details, but also, since the almost hundred-year-old, unique campus meets the contemporary assumptions of a sustainable development.
This premise gives rise to another premises, such as: care for preservation of the original historic substance, introduction of modern technological solutions or broader – developing the campus with respect to the teaching and scientific needs of our University in a manner that does not violate the assumptions adopted by Jan Witkiewicz-Koszczyc almost 100 years ago.
Therefore, contests on the knowledge about the campus, contests for the most interesting photograph, surveys regarding required changes and finally, development projects underlining the historic significance of the campus with the increase of the contemporary functionality, have been conducted. We will return to this dialogue about the campus among the academic community as soon as the Covid-19 pandemic ends – adds Professor Marek Bryx.
Rights and obligations of students and doctoral students
- Krzysztof Falkowski, Ph.D., SGH Professor – Rector's Representative for the Rights and Obligations of Students and Doctoral Students
Education of students and doctoral students at the highest level is one of the key areas of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics’ activity. In this context, the representative’s tasks primarily include representing the interests of students and doctoral students in matters related to the violation of rights vested in them. The representative performs these tasks among others by cooperating with dedicated bodies, e.g. advisers for disciplinary matters regarding students and doctoral students, as well as university authorities and student government and doctoral student government representatives. Furthermore, his obligations include drawing up reports and analyses on regulations binding at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics concerning the rights and obligations of students.
In the first three months of work as the Rector’s representative I dealt with, in particular: handling issues directly reported by students or the SGH Warsaw School of Economics’ Student Ombudsman to the Rector, or directly to me. I have given opinions on student appeals submitted to the Vice Rector for Teaching and Student Affair – adds SGH Warsaw School of Economics Professor Krzysztof Falkowski, PhD.
Parametrisation of scientific disciplines
- Waldemar Rogowski, Ph.D., SGH Professor – Rector’s Representative for Parametrisation of Scientific Disciplines
In 2022, the SGH Warsaw School of Economics, as each scientific unit in Poland, will be subjected to scientific activity’s quality evaluation (parametrisation). In consequence, particular scientific disciplines will be assigned with a relevant scientific category (from A+ to C).
In the SGH Warsaw School of Economics four disciplines will be covered with the evaluation: economics and finance, management and quality sciences, political and administration sciences, legal sciences. The grounds of the evaluation will be provided by scientific achievements, including publications, of particular employees conducting scientific activity in a given discipline in the years 2017-2021.
Tasks of the representative for parametrisation of scientific disciplines are directly related to the activities associated with preparing the SGH Warsaw School of Economics for this process. The most important ones include: management of ongoing work of the parametrisation team, coordination of the cooperation with an external partner (Index Copernicus), coordination of cyclical analyses concerning scientific achievements of academic teachers, coordination of works related to individual publication recommendations, ongoing cooperation with the Department of Science in the scope of the parametrisation process.
So far, a lot of tasks have been performed in the scope of parametrisation, including development of a preliminary parametric assessment of disciplines on the grounds of which individual recommendations were compiled. Publication plans of employees were designed, implemented, verified and updated. All team members performed enormous work, for which I would like to thank them.
Trainings and individual consultations were organised allowing employees to choose the best form and type of publication for their scientific achievements. Currently, we are working on individual recommendations for persons who have scientific achievements in more than one discipline – says SGH Warsaw School of Economics Professor Waldemar Rogowski, PhD.
We care for equal treatment at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics
- Hanna Godlewska-Majkowska, Ph.D., SGH Professor – Rector’s Representative for Equal Treatment
The scope of the representative’s obligations includes issues such as: initiating measures to the benefit of equal treatment of all SGH Warsaw School of Economics’ members, undertaking measures to the benefit of popularising knowledge on adherence to the principles of equal treatment, supporting initiatives aimed at shaping equal treatment approaches by cooperating with business and institutional partners of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics and supporting pro-entrepreneurial initiatives of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics promoting and implementing the principles of equal treatment of business entities.
Within the hitherto activities, in the period between the middle of September and the beginning of December 2020, Professor H. Godlewska-Majkowska supported activities promoting various size companies established by students, graduates or doctoral students of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics. It took place during the final stage of the competition SGH Business Sails. Professor Godlewska-Majkowska also on behalf of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics actively supports development of entrepreneurship by holding a seat at Mazowiecka Rada Innowacyjności (Masovian Innovation Board).
In 2021 meetings within another cycle of meetings of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics’ Forum for Women are planned, devoted to the promotion of good practices in the scope of work organisation, taking into consideration various needs of employees. It will be a platform for exchanging experiences with our business and institutional partners – comments Professor H. Godlewska-Majkowska.
Cooperation with Africa
- Anna Masłoń-Oracz, Ph.D. – Rector’s Representative for Africa
Moreover, within scientific and teaching activity the SGH Warsaw School of Economics cooperates with far away African countries. In order to coordinate this work, at the beginning of the academic year 2020/21 Anna Masłoń-Oracz, PhD has been entrusted with the obligations of the Rector’s representative for Africa.
Within her tasks the representative searches for the possibilities of establishing academic cooperation with particular African countries in order to deepen knowledge on the political and economic issues and challenges of Africa and its international environment. As a result, the hitherto cooperation between the SGH Warsaw School of Economics and universities in African countries will be closer, as well as an interdisciplinary platform for cooperation between specialists and scientists interested in politics, economy and culture of the region will be developed. Upon the initiative of Anna Masłoń-Oracz, PhD and students interested in the cooperation with Africa, African Affairs Club was established.
Furthermore, in agreement with African countries’ ambassadors in Warsaw, Berlin and leading organisations of employers, A. Masłoń-Oracz, PhD planned seminars and workshops for representatives of African and Polish entrepreneurs and business circles. Visit of the delegation in Poland will be organised by the Polish Investment and Trade Agency and the Polish Chamber of Commerce. Topics of seminars will focus on the sector of economic activity of African delegation members and Polish entrepreneurs interested in cooperation.
Similar meetings were also planned for the SGH Warsaw Economics’ students interested in the topic of Africa and its international environment. They will constitute an up-to-date supplementation of the education process and, at the same time will allow establishing contacts with business environments.
The SGH Warsaw School of Economics’ Development Strategy
- Sylwester Gregorczyk, Ph.D., SGH Professor – Rector's Representative for the Development Strategy of SGH Warsaw School of Economics
SGH Warsaw School of Economics Professor Sylwester Gregorczyk, PhD – the Rector’s representative for development strategy of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics
The representative’s tasks include managing work of the Rector’s Committee for development strategy of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics, conducting consultations with the SGH Warsaw School of Economics’ community and then, monitoring the implementation process of this strategy and analysing effects thereof. Furthermore, the representative’s tasks include drawing up a draft of amendments to the development strategy of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics, if necessary due to the conducted analyses.
Personal data protection
Joanna Łukaszyk, Ph.D. – Data Protection Officer
mgr Katarzyna Janczewska, M.A. – Coordinator of Personal Data Protection
Personal data protection is treated at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics with utmost priority, therefore, two persons care for the adherence to relevant rules: data protection officer Joanna Łukaszyk, PhD and coordinator of personal data protection Katarzyna Janczewska, MA.
Joanna Łukaszyk, PhD acts as the data protection inspector at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics. Due to the entrusted function, she monitors adherence to the provisions of the GDPR, as well as domestic and university law in the area of personal data protection. A special sphere of the inspector’s activities comprises execution of requests submitted by data subjects vested in them on the grounds of the GDPR in the scope of their personal data processed at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics such as, e.g. request to access personal data, rectification or erasure thereof.
Moreover, the data protection inspector conducts activities raising awareness of personal data protection, e.g. by trainings and recommendations in the scope of safe processing of such data. One of such measures consisted in preparing e-learning training aimed at all University’s employees. Furthermore, the data protection inspector participates in work on the draft of the academic GDPR code for public universities.
Personal data protection should be taken into consideration at all stages of the related project’s implementation, and especially in the initial stage of planning. In compliance with the privacy by design principle, it is worth starting discussion on how personal data will be handled. Therefore, for instance, as of the very beginning the coordinator of personal data protection assists teams conducting research projects in drawing up research data management plans, in which it is necessary to, among others, describe planned manners of protecting personal data obtained for research purposes.
– As the Coordinator of Personal Data Protection I support the SGH Warsaw School of Economics’ employees, doctoral students and students in measures that are related to personal data processing. I advise them how to meet the requirements specified in the personal data protection provisions, especially the GDPR. I assist in drawing up agreements on entrusting personal data processing and co-controlling, I also give opinions on other agreements and documents, if they concern sharing personal data with external entities. I develop drafts of orders, instructions and guidelines. I coordinate tasks related to exercising rights of a person whom the data concerns, resulting from the GDPR – adds Katarzyna Janczewska, MA.
Even better implemented projects
- Bożena Lublińska - Kasprzak, M.A. – Rector’s Representative for Development Projects
The representative’s task is to support initiatives and projects in the scope of developing innovative and start-up environment at the university and to participate in developing networks of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics’ connections with business. The representative will represent the Rector in entities drawing up regulations, programmes, programme and competition documents (Monitoring Committees, Working Groups, Task Force Teams and other). He or she will be also responsible for ongoing analysis of programme and project documentation, reporting any barriers and limitations of a systemic nature to entities responsible for drawing them up.
The representative’s tasks will also include:
- monitoring programmes and providing interested units with information on planned and organised competitions;
- conducting necessary feasibility studies and presenting recommendations for the university’s authorities in the scope of participation in competitions for projects;
- participating in drawing up project proposals in the scope of assuring compliance with procedural requirements of competitions and confirming fulfilment of the proposal assessment criteria;
- counselling for project coordinators/managers/units implementing projects in the scope of provisions and procedures; undertaking initiatives and cooperation with the University’s organisational units in the scope of developing contracts and partnerships, as well as consortia for project objectives;
- conducting analyses of application effectiveness and recommending improvements and changes in projects’ and applications’ selection processes;
- cooperation with the Department of Project Management and the Bursar’s Office in the scope of preparing and developing standards of initiating, implementing and settling projects;
- preparing the University to benefit from programmes within the New Financial Perspective of the EU 2021-2028;
- conducting ongoing analysis and submitting recommendations of changes improving regulations, procedures and documents related to the implementation of development projects at the University;
- participating in processes related to the quality assurance of the University’s activity in the scope of the implementation of development projects.
Double degree
- Tomasz Sikora, Ph.D., SGH Professor – Rector's Representative for Double Diploma Programmes
The representative’s obligations include, among others, coordination and supervision over preparations and implementation of double degree programmes, selection of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics’ strategic partners within double degree programmes, cooperation with partner universities and promotion of double degree programmes at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics.
Studying within double degree programmes allows, as the name suggests, receiving two diplomas: a diploma of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics and a diploma of one of partner universities. Currently, bachelor students can choose from among four universities and master students – from among twelve, and one more university will be soon added to this group.
The possibility of choosing this path of graduating studies is related to a specific faculty (usually Management, Global Business, Finance and Governance and International Business). Apart from “typical” double degree programmes students have the possibility to select one of two Erasmus Mundus Master Joint Degree programmes.
Currently, we have 61 SGH Warsaw School of Economics’ students and 23 foreign students studying on the grounds of double degree agreements. Double degrees of the University are not only an advantage in the national and international labour market, but also allow establishing contacts with students outside their own country, “verified” by working together. Currently, the process of updating agreements or annexes to agreements with universities and academies in the Czech Republic, France, Portugal, Canada and Korea is pending.
Cooperation with foreign universities
- Adam Śliwiński, Ph.D., SGH Professor – Rector's Representative for Cooperation with Foreign Universities of Special Importance to SGH
The representative’s tasks include undertaking measures aimed at establishing cooperation with foreign universities of special importance for the SGH Warsaw School of Economics, in the scope of conducting joint scientific research and teaching classes, as well as issuing joint scientific publications. The representative also supports the SGH Warsaw School of Economics’ employees, students and doctoral students in the scope of initiation and performance of joint activities, projects and ventures; proposes measures aimed at reinforcing the SGH Warsaw School of Economics’ position in the international arena; monitors and analyses directions, perspectives and trends in the global educational market.
An especially important task comprises preparing, implementing and developing “the SGH Warsaw School of Economics’ Ambassador” project aimed at developing a support network for the SGH Warsaw School of Economics’ graduates and friends in foreign universities of special importance for the SGH Warsaw School of Economics. The aim of the project is to establish cooperation with prominent representatives of science, the SGH Warsaw School of Economics’ graduates pursuing their scientific passions at prestigious foreign universities.
The programme is addressed at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics’ graduates and friends furthering their academic career. An ambassador can also become a person that is not directly employed at an academic position, but in institutions that have an impact on the shape and development of the education system. An ambassador will be appointed by the Rector of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics. The appointed person is given a formal title of “the SGH Warsaw School of Economics’ Ambassador”.
The project implementation will have mutual benefits. In the case of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics, the project will contribute to establishing cooperation with graduates, creating an academic network between the SGH Warsaw School of Economics and alma mater of the ambassador, establishing new scientific contacts by the SGH Warsaw School of Economics’ employees. It will also support the possibility of establishing research teams with employees of key foreign universities, and it will impact the activation of cooperation agreements with foreign universities.
In the long term, the activity of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics’ Ambassadors should have a positive impact on grounding the SGH Warsaw School of Economics’ position in the international arena and reinforcing the role of its employees in the global research and scientific as well as teaching network. An ambassador will have an active impact on the development of our University by taking the opportunity to participate in many assemblies with advisory capacity.
Currently, approximately 30 ambassador candidates have been identified. Upon final approval of the project assumptions, the representative will start contacting them for the purposes of accepting this honour.
If any of you scientifically cooperate with persons who are the SGH Warsaw School of Economics’ graduates and, simultaneously, it is worth inviting them to the project – please contact the Rector’s representative for cooperation with foreign universities of special importance for the SGH Warsaw School of Economics.
We wish all representatives success in performance of their tasks.