The atmosphere was sublime, the words of the speeches anointed, and the continuing applause heard in the university corridors signalled that another group of graduates of SGH Warsaw School of Economics could start a new chapter in life. The ceremony, known to the initiated as a graduation, seems to be exceptional every year, unique and unforgettable, although it has been part of the university’s tradition for many years. It was no different on December 1, 2018, when 244 new bachelors and masters dressed in ceremonial gowns and birettas received hard-earned diplomas from the hands of His Magnificence Rector prof. Marek Rocki to great applause of families and friends gathered in the assembly hall.
Despite the cyclical nature, each graduation is unique. It was confirmed this time as well, also thanks to the first-ever student speech in English. Mehsam Ali Chaudhry, who spoke on behalf of his colleagues, in the lively, truly American style recalled memories of sleepless nights and ‘poured out blood and sweat’ reminding that: ‘studying at the best economic university in Poland is a privilege that does not belong to everyone’.
In Polish, graduates were represented by Marta Brzegowa, who highlighted the richness of the university's non-scientific offer: ‘The substantive knowledge can easily be supplemented with valuable experience through activities in organisations, participation in competitions or trips to foreign universities.’ Her farewell words addressed to colleagues: ‘Let's make dreams come true, let us strive for perfection, let us not be discouraged by mishaps and let’s not forget to bring credit to SGH Warsaw School of Economics.’ constituted an excellent summary of this part of the ceremony.
The Rector explained, on the other hand, the way in which SGH repaid the latest representatives of the university community for their work: ‘For work and passion SGH rewards you with a diploma enjoying the highest recognition of employers, creators of rankings and accreditation committees.’ He also thanked families, pointing out that students’ success was due to ‘their support, determination, sober assessment of perspectives and life experience.’ Finally, he appealed to fresh graduates to remain in the SGH community within the SGH Graduate Club and other graduate organisations. As professor Rocki said, graduation ‘does not denote a finish or goodbye’.
Countless opportunities are opening up for graduates. Some of them will choose a long-awaited career in their dreamt of specialisation, others will decide to continue their development paths in companies that sought their attention during the studies. Many will probably decide to continue their education at the MA or PhD level or combine it with professional work in the best companies operating on the domestic and global market.
Regardless of their choices, we wish all graduates all the best.