The competition for the concept of SGH Hub of Innovation has been decided.
We already know the winner of the competition for SGH Hub of Innovation project, to be implemented on the site of the current S building at 8, Batory St. A new four-storey building with an area of approximately 6100 square metres will perform educational and administrative functions. The new SGH investment will not only respond to the expectations of students and lecturers, but also - with respect for the environment and to the benefit of Warsaw residents - will facilitate the development of the important part of the capital.
The Competition Jury included: prof. dr hab. Marek Budzyński, a member of SARP (the Association of Polish Architects), a member of the Chamber of Architects as the chairman of the Competition Jury, mgr. inż. arch. Bogdan Kobyłko, a member of the Chamber of Architects as the deputy chairman of the Jury, mgr inż. arch. Andrzej Kapuścik – a member of SARP, a member of the Chamber of Architects – a reporting judge, mgr inż. arch. Grzegorz Buczek, a member of SARP and TUP (the Association of Polish Urban Planners), dr hab. Marek Bryx prof. SGH, the Rector's Proxy for campus development, SGH Department of Innovative City, dr Marcin Dąbrowski, SGH Chancellor, prof. Piotr Wachowiak, SGH Vice-Rector for Science and Management, mgr. Tadeusz Brach, SGH Deputy Chancellor, inż. Ludmiła Tubylewicz, acting Head of SGH Investment Office.
Detailed project presentations can be viewed at the exhibition located in the Main Building of SGH Warsaw School of Economics (3rd floor). We will provide more information on the winning project and investment plans of the university authorities in the next issue of the ‘Gazeta SGH’.
The jury decided to grant three awards and honorary mentions:
- I prize – Stelmach & Partnerzy Biuro Architektoniczne
- II prize – Krzysztof Polkowski Architektura Sp. J.
- III prize – Europrojekt s.c. Marta Skorupska Jerzy Iwaniuk-Michalczuk
- Honorary mention – Bulanda & Mucha Architekci
- Honorary mention – Studium Sp. z o. o.
- Honorary mention – atelier7architektura Gnich Sp. z o.o.