FAQ on academic year 2021/22 – most important questions and answers about the operations of SGH during the pandemic.

Another academic year under the sanitary regime awaits us. Given the need to prevent the spread of SARS-COV-2, what are the rules currently applicable at SGH?
1. What form will the classes take in the winter semester of the new academic year?
In the period from January 15 to February 18, 2022 courses with students and PhD students will be organized remotely.
Decision about the form of the education for postgraduate studies which classes are scheduled until January 16, 2022 will be made by the head of the studies.
From January 21 to February 18, 2022 all postgraduate study conventions and examinations will be organized remotely.
For details, see the Rector's Order No. 3, dated January 13, 2022.
2. Will examinations and tests be held on the University’s premises?
No, the winter examination session in the first and second date will be held remotely.
3. Are teachers obliged to archive assessments and reports?
Yes, teachers are obliged to archive written assessments and oral examination reports, and store them for a period of 18 months following the end of the semester.
The model report is specified in Annex to the Rector’s Regulation No. 3 of 13 January 2022.
4. What form will consultations take?
In the period from 15 January 2022 to 18 February 2022 consultation duty hours are provided remotely by academic teachers once a week and last for at least one hour, except during the period from 7 to 11 February 2022.
5. What remote learning tools does the University offer?
The University provides remote learning tools available through the e-sgh platform, Niezbędnik e-sgh, specialised virtual laboratories, and the comprehensive Microsoft 365 package, including email, as well as the Microsoft Teams platform and specialised Teams Room and Flip Room software in selected classrooms.
Courses to be taught remotely, as specified in the schedule for the current semester, will be conducted in real time via Microsoft Teams.
Courses listed as e-learning in the University’s didactic offering will be conducted on the e-sgh.pl platform.
6. Is the University able to help staff, students, and PhD students to get computer equipment?
Yes, the University offers computer equipment to staff, allowing members of the staff to conduct classes remotely. Students and PhD students may rent computer equipment allowing them to participate in remote classes. Requests are processed gradually, with priority given to students who have been awarded a social scholarship.
If you wish to make a request in this regard, please write to helpdesk@sgh.waw.pl.
7. Who should I ask for technical support related to distance learning?
SGH also ensures training for teachers and students in distance learning, including guidance regarding the use of multimedia classrooms. Please send the requests to the Open Education Centre at coe@sgh.waw.pl.
8. What are the rules for students in remote classes conducted in synchronous mode?
With respect to remote classes conducted in synchronous mode with videoconferencing, the rules of such communication are specified in:
Schedule to Resolution No. 709 of the Senate of the SGH
Schedule to Resolution No. 92 of the Senate of the SGH
9. What additional obligations must the teachers fulfil in conducting remote courses?
For remote courses, teachers present a written report to their immediate supervisor by 31 January 2022 for the winter semester and by 19 June 2022 for the summer semester. The report is submitted in the form of a digital record card within the pensum.sgh.waw.pl system, in line with the model report in Appendix No. 2 to the Rector’s Regulation No. 65 of 3 September 2021. Submission of the report is required to include the distance learning courses as part of the overall teaching load.
10. Why have MS Teams groups been set up?
All course groups for courses taught in the given semester in first- and second-cycle study programmes are assigned to groups set up on Microsoft Teams which will be used as the primary or supporting communication channel depending on the form of courses as well as the current epidemiological situation and any necessary changes in education arrangements.
11. Is it possible to personally come to the Dean’s Office or other units to handle student- or staff-related matters?
Yes, this is possible. The University’s units provide direct service, observing the applicable rules on mouth and nose coverage and maintaining a safe distance between people.
12. Who can stay on the University’s premises?
Only those who do not display symptoms of an infectious disease1 and are not under a quarantine or home isolation order, and do not cohabit with individuals under home isolation due to an identified SARS-CoV-2 infection may stay within SGH premises and attend courses.
[1] In particular: dyspnea, sore throat, runny nose, cough, previously undetectable decrease of smell and taste, fever above 38˚C
13. How should I excuse my absence at classes if I got infected, or need to quarantine or self-isolate?
You will be able to excuse your absences from mandatory courses (after you return to the University). You have to show your teacher your medical certificate or the quarantine or isolation order, imposed either on yourself, or your cohabitant. For cohabitant orders, please present the consent of that person to produce this document at SGH.
14. Do I have to cover my mouth and nose and maintain physical distance on the University’s premises?
Yes, everyone present on the SGH premises (common spaces of the University, including in classrooms, corridors – when moving around the University – and bathrooms) must wear a protective mask covering their nose and mouth. This does not apply to those teaching in classrooms and performing their professional duties in offices. Individuals who may not cover their nose and mouth due to health reasons are also exempt from this obligation. Furthermore, you should avoid forming groups and maintain a safe distance of at least 1.5 m from other people.
15. Are hand sanitisers available on the University’s premises?
Yes, hand sanitiser dispensers are located in many spots around SGH premises (e.g., in bathrooms, reception halls, corridors, connectors, and canteens). Once you enter the building, please disinfect your hands using the nearest hand sanitiser dispenser. Disinfect your hands frequently or wash them with soap and water, in line with the instructions posted.
16. What changes due to the sanitary regime are applicable during classes?
- Maximum possible distance from other persons should be maintained in classrooms. Classroom and group size permitting, a distance of at least 1.5 m should be kept.
- Everyone should use their own items and teaching aids during classes. You should also not exchange them with other individuals.
- Teachers should keep a distance of at least 1.5 m from students and PhD students and limit their movements around the room.
- Weather conditions permitting, classes should be held with the windows open.
- The teacher should ensure that the classrooms are aired as frequently as possible, but not less than once an hour, and that the windows remain open after class.
- With the face mask mandatory on the University’s premises, physical education classes may be held outdoors.
17. What should I do if I notice symptoms which could entail a coronavirus infection?
In this case, please report this immediately to covid@sgh.waw.pl and consult a doctor. Students, PhD students, and staff at SGH may use the doctor’s office on the ground floor of the G building. If you are unable to notify us by e-mail, please call the Office of the Chancellor at 225649600.
Students and PhD students who are under a quarantine or home isolation order are required to report this fact via e-mail to covid@sgh.waw.pl
18. Can I avail myself of the University’s student exchange and staff trip offering?
Students, PhD students, and staff at SGH have to limit their domestic and foreign trips related to their work and education process.
19. Will scientific conferences and cultural events be organised in the coming semester?
Yes, they will, but they will be held using means of electronic communication, or indoors while respecting the applicable safety rules.
20. Are there additional recommendations for student houses?
From 6 June 2021 to 20 March 2022, visits to residents of SGH student houses may be held in observance of the rules laid down in Rector’s Regulation No. 63 of 9 July 2020, as amended.
Legal acts
Resolution of the Senate of SGH Warsaw School of Economics
- Resolution No. 709 of 29 April 2020 on the Rules and Regulations of First and Second Cycle Study Programme and Long Cycle Study Programme at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics
- Schedule to Resolution No. 709 of the Senate of the SGH
- Resolution No. 92 of Senate of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics of 28 April 2021 amending the Resolution No. 709 of Senate of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics of 29 April 2020
- Schedule to Resolution No. 92 of the Senate of the SGH
Rector’s Regulations
- Rector’s Regulation No. 3 of 13 January 2022
- Rector’s Regulation No. 76 of 13 October 2021
- Rector’s Regulation No. 70 of 29 September 2021
- Rector’s Regulation No. 65 of 3 September 2021
- Rector’s Regulation No. 5 of 25 January 2021 (in polish)
- Rector’s Regulation No. 63 of 9 July 2020 (in polish)